Prof. Ernesto Damiani, Senior Director of the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute, and Director of Khalifa University Center for Cyber Physical Systems (C2PS), Khalifa University, UAE.
Prof. Tariq Rahim Soomro, Acting Rector, IoBM, Pakistan.
Dr. Taher Ghazal, Skyline University College, UAE
Dr. Haitham Alzoubi, Skyline University College, UAE
Honorable Chairman and Distinguished Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to be with you this morning at the opening of The International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS) jointly organized by Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Khalifa University, Center for Cyber Security Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Global Academic Forum on Technology & Innovation Management (GAF-TIM), Creative Ideas, Seminars & Conferences (CISC) and in technical collaboration with IEEE UAE Section,
I extend a very warm welcome to all participants in this Conference.
You might noticed magnificent transformations in business world during last couple years. Business processes tremendously changed. With emergence of AI and related technologies of Data Sciences, many business organizations exploited new opportunities with enhanced profitability. Businesses are now facing distinct challenges. Business analytics gain immense importance to resolve new challenges.
Business analytics
Gartner says, “Business analytics is comprised of solutions used to build analysis models and simulations to create scenarios, understand realities and predict future states” Business analytics comprise data mining, predictive analytics, applied analytics and statistics, and is delivered as an application suitable for a business user. It is interchangeably used with data analytics.
Big Data
Discovery of cyclic business patterns is one of the prime objectives that can be effectively achieved from Big Data analytics. It is generally accepted that 80 % of organization data volume comprises on unstructured data, mostly found in text files. Inappropriate handling of unmanaged data entail extra cost for data storage.
To predict future customer behaviors and devise appropriate strategies, It will be beneficial to more familiar with Big Data analytics or large and complex datasets, prevailing trends and outcomes. Determine organization needs and implement strategy right now for which kind of data to be useful for future decision making and a central repository for its retrieval.
Data is growing faster than users’ abilities to manage it. Business intelligence and Big Data are driving digital transformational changes and would remain be the most CIO’s top priority for the upcoming years. It's not just the velocity and volume of information to deal with; it's the new types of information and greater complexity. We need to formulate a strategy to optimize our BI and Big Data programs to gain competitive edge.
Considering the impact of big data, it is now essential for large organizations to expand storage capacity to Petabytes or even more. Sensors enabled devices creating billions of Terabytes every year.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Machine learning models effectively uncover hidden data patterns and enable data scientist to to gain in-depth understanding. They have been using ML techniques for many years to resolve complex business problems. Today with the help of advanced ML algorithms, they can access to more complex mathematical models to build up amazing solutions for highly critical business problems which in turn save billion dollar costs.
Other aspects of business supportive technologies and security includes; Internet of things, back-chain technology, cloud computing and cyber security significantly impact business processes and consumer behavior.
I believe that the sessions will enrich and equip us with useful information we can apply when we go back to our respective countries. I wish everyone a very productive conference ahead of us.
Thank You
Dr. Taher Ghazal, Skyline University College, UAE
Dr. Haitham Alzoubi, Skyline University College, UAE
Honorable Chairman and Distinguished Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to be with you this morning at the opening of The International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS) jointly organized by Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Khalifa University, Center for Cyber Security Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Global Academic Forum on Technology & Innovation Management (GAF-TIM), Creative Ideas, Seminars & Conferences (CISC) and in technical collaboration with IEEE UAE Section,
I extend a very warm welcome to all participants in this Conference.
You might noticed magnificent transformations in business world during last couple years. Business processes tremendously changed. With emergence of AI and related technologies of Data Sciences, many business organizations exploited new opportunities with enhanced profitability. Businesses are now facing distinct challenges. Business analytics gain immense importance to resolve new challenges.
Business analytics
Gartner says, “Business analytics is comprised of solutions used to build analysis models and simulations to create scenarios, understand realities and predict future states” Business analytics comprise data mining, predictive analytics, applied analytics and statistics, and is delivered as an application suitable for a business user. It is interchangeably used with data analytics.
Big Data
Discovery of cyclic business patterns is one of the prime objectives that can be effectively achieved from Big Data analytics. It is generally accepted that 80 % of organization data volume comprises on unstructured data, mostly found in text files. Inappropriate handling of unmanaged data entail extra cost for data storage.
To predict future customer behaviors and devise appropriate strategies, It will be beneficial to more familiar with Big Data analytics or large and complex datasets, prevailing trends and outcomes. Determine organization needs and implement strategy right now for which kind of data to be useful for future decision making and a central repository for its retrieval.
Data is growing faster than users’ abilities to manage it. Business intelligence and Big Data are driving digital transformational changes and would remain be the most CIO’s top priority for the upcoming years. It's not just the velocity and volume of information to deal with; it's the new types of information and greater complexity. We need to formulate a strategy to optimize our BI and Big Data programs to gain competitive edge.
Considering the impact of big data, it is now essential for large organizations to expand storage capacity to Petabytes or even more. Sensors enabled devices creating billions of Terabytes every year.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Machine learning models effectively uncover hidden data patterns and enable data scientist to to gain in-depth understanding. They have been using ML techniques for many years to resolve complex business problems. Today with the help of advanced ML algorithms, they can access to more complex mathematical models to build up amazing solutions for highly critical business problems which in turn save billion dollar costs.
Other aspects of business supportive technologies and security includes; Internet of things, back-chain technology, cloud computing and cyber security significantly impact business processes and consumer behavior.
I believe that the sessions will enrich and equip us with useful information we can apply when we go back to our respective countries. I wish everyone a very productive conference ahead of us.
Thank You